Friday, May 2, 2014

This is what you need to know

Sometimes there is no next time, no second chance, no time out. Sometimes it is now or never. Sometimes people will hate you due to how you live and how you do. Sometimes you have to hide your capability and sometimes you have to show them what you're capable of.

Sometimes there is a lot of smile on you, but sometimes you surround yourself with fake friends whose dream to destroy you. But you have to be strong because the supreme power is with you all the time.
Kuna wakati ata uwe mzuri vipi lakini watu watatafuta japo sababu moja tu ya kukuchukia. Lakini pia wakati mwingine ata uwe mbaya vipi watu watakupenda kwa ubaya wako. Human nature is very complex.

Kuna wakati kila unachokifanya watakuepo watu wakukukatisha tamaa, lakini elewa unachokifanya si kwa ajili yao ila ni kwa manufaa yako mwenyewe. Lakini pia kuna wakati kile kidogo ukipatacho watu wengine ukitolea macho na kutaka kukunyakua. Human nature is very complex!

Siku zote uwezi kujua ng'ombe anafaidi vipi utamu wa jani kama wewe sio mbuzi, kondoo au punda.
Asante kwa kutembelea Mwinyi Blog, naomba ubonyeze HAPA ulike page yangu ya facebook ili uendelee kupata matukio mbalimbali ya hapa na pale.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Hao wanaokudharau leo yawezekana kesho ndio watakaokuheshimu. Na yule anaekukatisha tamaa leo yawezekana kesho ndio atakaeshangaa na kutaka kujua umetoka vipi.

 Siku zote maamuzi yako ya sasa ndiyo matokeo ya baadae, amua vyema upate chema.

 Yeyote atakaye samehewa kidogo upenda kidogo.

 Siku zote mkubwa hana sheria ila anautaratibu tu ambao wachini yake wanaufata.

 Usipokuwa tayali kupigania kile unachokitaka basi elewa kile usichokitaka kitajitokeza.

 If a door closes today, know that a new one and most likely better one will be there for you to open tomorrow. If it didn't happen, it wasn't meant to be. Let it go and create space for what is. We don't grow when things are easy we grow when we face challenges.

 When you are down to nothing, God is up to something.

 If you didn't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears, don't invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth.

 Stop worrying about someone that isn't worried about you. Never leave your key of happiness in someone else's pocket.

 It's so easy for people to believe the worst about you but it's so hard for people to believe the good about you.

 The only thing that stands between you and what you want out of life is the will to try and faith to believe it's possible.

Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.

 Inawezekana kujenga nyumba ya tope juu ya msingi wa zege lakini si nyumba ya zege juu ya msingi wa tope.

 Si kwa uwezo wako kile ulichonacho, wala si kwa uzuri wako au elimu uliyonayo. Bali ni kwa neema ya Mwenyenzi Mungu muumba wa vyote mwenye kuneemesha neema ndogo ndogo na neema kubwa kubwa.

 Sometimes you got to be your own hero and save your own heart because sometimes the people you can't live without can live without you.

 Siku zote mafanikio yapo ila kwa alietayali kuyafata. 

 Mungu anaijua vizuri kesho yetu kuliko sisi tulivyoijua jana.

 Unapoanza kujenga msingi uliombovu usitegemee kupata nyumba iliyobora. 

 People are going to talk, whether you're doing bad or good. Worry about yourself before you worry about what others think.

 Hakuna marefu yasiyo na ncha. Ata jana ilikuwa leo na leo ilikuwa kesho kabla ya leo.

 Ni bora kutanguliza macho na masikio kuliko kutanguliza mdomo.

 Don't say,"God, I have a big problem!" say,"Problem, I have a big GOD!

 Asante kwa kutembelea The Land Of Quotation kutoka kwa Mwinyi Blog, naomba ubonyeze HAPA ulike page yangu ya facebook ili uendelee kupata matukio mbalimbali ya hapa na pale.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Neno Langu La Leo

 Inawezekana uwepo wako ukawa njia mojawapo ya mtu mwingine kufanikiwa, hivyo usiwe na roho ya kwanini maana yule ambaye nae ni njia mojawapo katika kufanikiwa kwako akiwa na roho ya kwanini you will take a long time to reach in your destine. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you kwa wale wote walio nami bega kwa bega. Welcome to my page and get various entertainment and events. Show some love to click LIKE button on my facebook page. And if possible invite your friends too to like my facebook page so that we can enjoy together. Me and you we're on the truck yet on the destine, but soon or latter we'll going to be there.
Asante kwa kutembelea Mwinyi Blog, naomba ubonyeze HAPA ulike page yangu ya facebook ili uendelee kupata matukio mbalimbali ya hapa na pale.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mrembo wetu wa leo na ujumbe wa mapenzi.

Don't love a friend like flower because a flower dies in a season, love them like a rive because a river flows forever. Its time when people you love should know that you love them, its time when people you miss should know that you miss them. That is why I keep on saying I love and miss you all the time.

Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing. Love ends when you stop caring, so dream hope and love make life beautiful.

Kuwa mrembo wetu wa siku kwa kueditiwa picha yako nasi, unangoja nini?! ifanye Valentine kuwa special kwa yule umpendae.

Thank you for visit my blog, please click HERE to like my facebook page for more updates.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Maneno Yangu Machache Siku Ya Leo.

Unaweza kufika mahala ukajiuliza why me? Why everything bad happen to me? You have to be strong because everything in this Planet has its purpose. Bare in your mind that God have good intend to everyone regardless of our differences, He love us all. This isn't a right time to feel of sorrow, repentance or disappointment but it is the right time to make it happen. Don't fed up for something good, but fed up for something bad. Kuna usemi usemao "kama ipo basi ipo tu", huo ndiyo ushupavu na wala usitawaliwe na ule usemi usemao "Mungu ajapanga" maana mpangaji ni wewe, usiseme Mungu nisaidie huku ukiwa umekaa sema Mungu nisaidie huku ukiwa umesimama na kuchakarika.

Cha kushangaza pale unapochakarika na kujituma katika maisha yako wapo watu ambao hawapendi kuona unafanikiwa kwa njia moja au nyingine. Ndiyo kwanza wanakuwa kikwazo cha wewe kuweza kusonga mbele. Nimekuwa nikijiuliza why human being change to be an animal? Maana wanafanya mambo mabaya kwa wenzao ambayo yanaleta ukakasi kwa wenye imani mbele ya Mungu.

Leo hii kuna mtu kutokana na roho yake mbaya na ufinyu wa fikra pevu anautumia muda wake kwa kunitumia massage za matusi, kunitusi mimi, blog yangu pamoja na wazazi wangu. Sijui ni nini kinachomuumiza anapoiona blog hii?! Masikini leo hii kijana wa watu ninayependa kuwajuza mambo mbalimbali na kuwapa burudani ya aina yake nawekewa kinyongo. Sishangai sana maana watu wenye roho za kutu walikuwepo toka zamani zama na zama. Watu wanaopenda wao tu waendelee na wengine wawe nyuma yao.

Naimani lengo lake ni kunikatisha tamaa, kwa hilo hatofanikiwa maana mimi siyo mtu wa kukata tamaa kiraisi raisi. I'm a man of principal who know what I do, najua ataendelea kuumia maana huu siyo mwisho wa MWINYI BLOG huu ni mwanzo tu. You don't know what you mess with and you don't know what I'm capable of. Only you know me by name but you don't know me in details. If you think you know me you're absolutely mistaken. Wadau wangu wa MWINYI BLOG huyu mtu ananipa hasira sana anaingiza na mambo ya ushirikina ndani yake. Anajidanganya kwa kujua kuwa simjui. Namshukuru kwa ujinga wake ulionifanya mpaka nijifunze kitu.

Mungu yu pamoja nami na yu pamoja naye pia, namuombea uhai mrefu ili azidi kuumia. Na kwa wale ambao blog hii inawakwaza kwa namna moja au nyingine I'm sorry you can't change me but you can change yourself by find the way to be comfortable.

Your sincere,

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Beautiful Words Of Today

I'd just like to wish everyone a happy Christmas and thank everyone that has made this year so great for me.. I don't pretend anything is ever easy and every single one of us have challenges and walls to brake down along the way, but after everything I've seen and been a part of in our game of life this year, learning so much more about myself and now have a pretty damn good idea of what direction I have to move in for the future.. It's funny when you think of yourself as a 'Know it all' and think you have everything. And every now and then something creeps up and slaps you in the brain with a massive eye opener.. I will be taking a 'Learn and live' approach going forward from now! ..so merry Christmas again everybody! Take care and have a great time!

Beautiful words of today:
>Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to.

>Sometimes, no matter how long or hard you've loved someone, they'll never love you back. And sometimes, you have to be okay with that.

>Sometimes it's better to react with no reaction. 

>When we cannot get what we love, we must love what is within our reach. 

> Hope... Sometimes that's all you have when you have nothing else. If you have it, you have everything.

 >Wakati mwingine kitu kikiaribika ndiyo kinapata thamani ya juu zaidi kuliko hapo awali.

 >Maturity has to do with the experiences you’ve had, not how many birthdays you’ve celebrated. Happy birthday kwa wale wote waliozaliwa siku ya leo.

> Hivi unajua kama uwezi kutema mate bila kumeza mate? Kwa hiyo kama kuna kitu unakionea kinyaa na kukitemea mate basi elewa umekimeza kwanza ndiyo ukakitema. Nawatakia siku njema Waungwana.

 >Cry as hard as you want to. But always make sure: when you stop crying, you'll never cry for the same reason again.

 >Being someone's first love is great, but being someone's last love is beyond perfect.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

With endless appreciation and gratitude, thank you for visiting my blog.

Mwinyi Ally Abuu

Mwinyi Ally Abuu

Sometimes the efforts and the contributions we are putting in to make the world a better place for all may not be appreciated at the moment, but in time to come, it surely will. But then, we may not be alive to celebrate it so we must try to celebrate now while we are alive.

With endless appreciation and gratitude, thank you for visiting my blog. People spend too much time looking for more, instead of appreciating what they already have! I do appreciate your support simply because I have you, and you have stay with me side by side. Never let go of the hand that helped you up when you were down, show appreciation to those that show compassion to you. Please if you find this blog very interesting like our facebook page by click here . Or at the right hand you can see people who like this blog click the LIKE button to be one among of them and you can see what next in our page and blog. Thank you.